The 9th and 10th of May 2023, the 25 public and private partners from Italy, Latvia, Germany, Denmark, Iceland and Norway gathered in Oslo for a kick-off for the NOBID Digital Wallet project. NOBID is one of four Large Scale Pilots to receive funding from Digital Europe to prepare for, implement and test the EU Digital Wallet.

First steps for two years collaboration

Coordinated by the Norwegian Digitalization Agency, the 25 public and private partners of the NOBID consortium will collaborate closely to pilot and test the EU Digital Wallet with special focus on payments. By this end of the two years long project, with a budget of 20 M Euros, NOBID estimates to have 2300 users enrolled and 13 200 wallet transactions to be completed in a pre-production environment.

The NOBID consortium, with partners from Nordic and Baltic countries as well as Italy and Germany, will pilot the use of the EUDI wallet for the authorization of payments for products and services by the wallet user/holder. It aims to address the issuance of wallets, the provision of payment means by financial institutions, and the acceptance of, and payments, in a retail context. NOBID will also test usage scenarios in order to validate and facilitate the implementation of the Wallet, and test the interoperability and scalability of the solutions within national and cross-border contexts, trial user journeys and collect feedback.

The payment use case may be key also for the future potential extension to the Digital Euro. The use case is based on the existing infrastructure for bank payments as well as traditional account-to-account transfers. ​The solution will build on the strong customer authentication by the wallet, and will be in compliance with the PSD2 requirements. Several modalities are foreseen to be supported, starting with simple solutions like QR codes, push notifications and deep linking.

We extend our gratitude to all the project partners for their dedication, enthusiasm, and commitment. It is through our collective efforts that we can contribute to a better implementation of a common Digital Wallet in a European scale.

The importance of the NOBID project

The EU Digital eID wallet could significantly simplify the way people are being identified. Eidas 2.0 will take effect in a few years and require all EU member states to make a Digital Identity Wallet available for all citizens interested.​

An important objective is to help Member States build the necessary expertise and infrastructure to facilitate the provision of Wallets following the obligations in the future Regulation.

In addition to piloting the payment case the NOBID Consortium will work closely with the other large scale pilots, who will work on eID in relation to eHealth, mobile driving license and education/professional qualification.​ In addition to NOBID, the other Large scale Pilots are:

  • The EU Digital Identity Wallet Consortium (EUWC) – will use the EUDI Wallet to store and present Digital Travel Credentials enabling support free cross-border movement Europe and focus on the development of business digital identity wallets that allow a citizen to effectively identify themselves anywhere in Europe as legitimate representatives of an organization.

  • The Digital Credential for Europe (DC4EU) Consortium will pilot the use of the EUDI Wallet in both the educational sector (educational credentials and professional qualifications) and the Social Security domain (PDA1 and EHIC).

  • The PilOTs for EuropeaN digiTal Identity wALlet (POTENTIAL) consortium for Digital Identity aim to improve citizens’ access to trusted and secure electronic identity means and services such as electronic signatures or attestations of attributes. This shall enable citizens to store their ID in a secure digital wallet valid across borders.

We look forward to sharing updates, insights, and progress along the way on linkedin and on this website.