Within the NOBID Consortium, Work Package 4 oversees the development of the NOBID Wallet app based on the European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet Reference Implementation (RI), including the implementation of features that are missing in the RI but are required for the NOBID use cases.  

Along with the mobile Wallet, WP4 also provides components needed for Trusted Service Providers (TSP) and Qualified Electronic Attribute Attestations (QEAA), such as PID verification services and support to issuance services used to simplify integration of partners by shielding them from the complexity of Verifiable Credentials. 

NOBID Wallet iterative development

Implementation of the NOBID Wallet is an iterative process with a two-month release cycle. The cycle started when the RI was released and WP4 is now releasing new versions of the NOBID Wallet every two months, or sooner if required. At the end of each two months, WP4 also provides a deliverable for the European Commission. Meanwhile, the Work Package is constantly developing the TSP infrastructure. 

Once all the developments are finished, if real data are handled, WP4 will have to perform security audits. However, the possibility of piloting in a test environment, which would not require security audits, is under discussion with the European Commission. At the end of the project, WP4 also needs to deliver an evaluation report where the whole development is summarized and feedback is provided on the EUDI Wallet and NOBID use cases. 

State of play 

The work Package cooperates with all the other WPs to establish the requirements of the NOBID Wallet. For each Work Package, WP4 defined the flows that will be used and the specific parameters needed, the integration model for each partner and the changes and extensions in the RI required for the implementation. 

The development is ongoing. So far, WP4 has delivered three versions of the NOBID app for Android and will publish the iOS version very soon. The current version of the NOBID app contains the flows for most of the PID Issuers, while integration with QEAA Issuers and payment partners is in progress. WP4 plans to complete the integration with the first payment partner in September 2024.